Monday, January 12, 2009

Pages of Treasures


Another week, another Monday... hate Mondays, gotta wake up so early to work. =( Weekend passed by so fast, I felt that I barely do anything, maybe 'cos I was hooked up with another TVB series, Pages of Treasures (Click入黄金屋).

It was on AOD not too long back but I didn't download it at that time, just finished downloaded from torrent after a week, so my weekend is dedicated to finish off the series, haha... An entertaining show, not too long as well, I like this kind of show 'cos it doesn't waste too much of my time... =p

I enjoyed this series, it's relaxing and entertaining since it's a comedy series, very focused on family concept. The series revolve around a family of five members and each of their stories. A dad that love to read and has been working in a bookstore for around 30 years, later on had a bookstore of his own because of his elder son. The elder son was away from the family for many years because he worked overseas just to pay the education fees for his younger brother and the brother is a successful IT security person graduated from US. They have a younger sister too, which is in high school. Each of them has their own stories, relationship and career wise, so the story is not too long because everyone character gets some attention and the whole series is balanced up and not too focused on one person.

I would recommend you to watch if you don't mind spending time for a comedy which is 20 episodes long. =) The best part is you don't have to subscribe anything or spend time to download them if you can get it from me, haha... I have it in my little HDD just for sharing and to keep in case if one day I would like to watch the series again, though I don't think I will because there are so many nice new series, right? XD



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