Wednesday, May 06, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Another movie update here, watched Wolverine with EdeNz, Matt and Alvin at Cineleisure last Friday night after dinner at Zen @ Sunway Pyramid. The dinner was so good and we chatted for few hours until almost closing time, then got stuck in the parking area because everyone else is leaving the mall as well...

It was EdeNz's idea to watch a midnight show and Alvin suggested Cineleisure since that's one of the least crowded place, hopefully that we can get tickets last minute. Well, we didn't managed to get the 11+ ticket but we got tickets for a 12.05am movie... Walked around the mall and the street to pass time, ended up in an ice cream stall in the cinema. =p

Well, many people where there, due to Labor's Day I guess... So the cinema was full, even during midnight. I have only watched one X-Men movie before this and I have not read any comics before, only after the movie starts, I get to know that this movie is about the story of a guy named Logan, how he got his mutant powers, what he do before he join the X-Men team.

Well, the story starts from him being a kid, killed his father with his bone claws then run away with his brother... Both of them then joined a few wars, but couldn't die due to their regeneration ability. The army tried to killed them when his brother, Victor, killed an officer but failed. Then, a person named Styker found them and request them to join his special team of mutants. They start going on missions, but finally Logan couldn't stand killing innocents and leave the group.

He became a lumberjack and live together with a beautiful teacher, Kayla. Too bad that his brother starts to hunt everyone in the team, Styker asked for his help but got rejected. Later, Victor killed Kayla in order to get to Logan, this time... Logan agrees to help Styker just to revenge his lover. Styker reinforced Logan's bone structure with adamantium, the strongest metal found on the meteorite they discovered years back. He is now known as Wolverine.

He go to his old teammate to hunt for clues of the where about of his brother, Victor, leading him to find Gambit, a mutant which escapes from the prison that Styker has set up. He realized that everything is a lie... Kayla is alive and she is just doing her job to get her sister out of the prison. Wolverine released everyone from the prison, asking them to go while he fights with Styker's new weapon, XI, which is actually Wades, a guy from the team last time... XI has a few powers, teleport, regeneration, laser eyes and also adamantium in his body. Wolverine managed to kill him with his brother help, he goes back to look for Kayla... Styker managed to shoot Wolverine down with adamantium bullets, although he survived but he lost all his memories...

Well, the story ends there... so to be continued? I have no idea but it was a really nice movie. Lots of cool powers and many handsome guys especially Gambit. XD Hahaha... It's a good show and it's worth all the time and money spent. =p



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