Thursday, May 10, 2007

Goodbye, Blueserver.


So many things happened recently, I can't really recall any peaceful days...

Oh well, basically to sum things up, I am done with Blueserver and I will move on with my life, no more association with that place anymore...

I am not going to write another story about how it happens, I am not a story teller you see... However, after all these dramatic events, it made me realize a lot of things that I have not known before.
  • I find plenty of double-faced-shoe-polisher people around me, I know there will be some, but I didn't expect so many of them popping out. I guess their innocent image kind of covered up what they really are.
  • I truly regret, for the first time, for what I have done for Blueserver. Although I know a lot of other people sacrificed a lot for Blueserver as well, but I just felt that all the things I have done and all the time and effort being put in is not worth it at all.
  • I no longer care about the players or the server since long ago, I stayed and I helped just because of relationships and now I leave for the same reason.
  • "Love in blind" is very true, I have seen it with my own eyes now.
  • Some girls are really bitches that they make me feel shame for being a girl.
  • Some guys are really dumb that they make me feel that guys are completely useless when dealing with girls.
  • Some childish small kids just like to act and continue acting to gain all the fame and power they wants.
  • I know who are my real friends.
  • I am good at predicting, because a lot of events that I predicted really happened after a while.
Please do not feel offended in any way, as those statements are general and it did not meant for anyone.

As you can see, most of the things I discovered are sad things, I hate being sad and disappointed. So, I will move on and forget about this whole thing. I am really looking forward to RO, at least I feel happy being there than stuck in the same old place and does the same thing over and over again.

Lastly, I am not hesitate to say that, I wish the day Blueserver dies come faster.



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